Thursday, June 16, 2011

Things White People Like to Eat - Market Day Edition

What the hell is Market Day? We had this every so often when I was in school. I don't really remember what years we had it, but apparently it was fairly frequent. All I remember is going to the gym during class, and being thrown around the room looking at boxes of food that somebody's mom was trying to sell. I didn't get it, wasn't that what grocery stores were for? Does anyone even buy anything from there?

Yes. Yes they do. White people do.

Click the Picture to Read the Arrows

The fridge is fucking full of this stuff. LOOK AT IT. MARKET DAY MARKET DAY MARKET DAY


  1. haha I remember Market Day! Bc my mommy was a good PTA member and would volunteer among all those boxes :)

  2. that woman in the pic is not wearing a top?
